Friday, December 5, 2008

Long time haven't posted anything here, I've been so busy lately with studying, my family, my silly issues with some people, with myself! I'm sick of the word "myself".. anywayzZz
I lack communicating with my friends these days, except the one I can't live without ;) and some of them call me from time to time yzahum Allah 5air =) wallah sorry girls I try my best to make a balance that can make me spend to maximal time with my family which is my
p r i o r i t y and I hardly find that time =(
I'm thinking seriously about making a small gathering somewhere to gather will all my school classmates and friends, I know it's hard cuz my vacations do not match their's and not all of them will attend but enshaAllah 5air.
اشتقنا لشوفتكم حبايبنا ="(
2 days ago I was so shocked to know that *m*'s sisters (2nd year) were my sister's friends in college and still =) It was a big shock hoooooooow didn't I know that? =0
My final exams aren't too far away
Allah yastr :-#

Monday, September 29, 2008

I cooooked =P

After watching the movie "Ratatouille" several times

and the inspiration that fell on me from remi (the mouse)
I decided to cook something
and with the help of MG's thread in talkish
I came up with this


Oat Potato Kofta :D
it's was soooooo yummyyyyyyyyy omg I was about to cry I couldn't belive that I could cook something so delicious heheheee looooool=D

click here to see the recipe


w I did my usual soup
it's called "sparkatello soup" lolz
9dr dyayh mga66a3 sharaye7
half cup of flour (67een)
half cup of nasha (corn flour) 0
goo6e corn
three large spoons of gaimar lol
one moka33ab maggi

mix it all with 4 cups of water 3al fire and here we goooooooo

btw it's not the first time that I cook lol .. I used to cook when I was younger, like in 13-14 yrs but then later I got busier hahaay
anyway, I have so many things to do, so much to study, a lot to acheive
so I'll rarely post here
ed3ooli girlz

Saturday, September 27, 2008

is this freedom?


They say I have freedom
I can do what I want
They say I have freedom
To speak how I feel

But how is it freedom
To be judged for my deeds
And persecuted for speaking
Revealing my thoughts
How is it freedom
To fear being called strange
To think different thoughts
To the people you call friends

I live in my mind
I hide in my brain
I don't dare to speak out again
And I'm free to be lonely
And misunderstood
I'm free to be hated and shunned

This is the freedom
This is not freedom
It cannot be freedom
To hide from the world

~ Clover West

Friday, September 26, 2008

وداعاً رمضان

اللهم لا تجعله آخر العهد من صيامنا إيّاه فإن جعلته فاجعلني مرحوماً ولا تجعلني محروماً

اللهم إنك عفّو تحب العفو فاعفُ عنّا


من الأشياء التي أصبحت لا تفارقني

جزى الله من أهدتني إيّاه عفوه وعظيم غفرانه وأسكنها الفردوس الأعلى
آمين (=

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The cure of the mind

I'm so glad that I spent some of my time in reading, I bought new books, some of them were "novels" which is not expected..
I bought them to READ them not only to fill my bookcase with them..
As I read somewhere "the library is a hospital for the mind" .. that's is extremely true
And I say "a book is a cure for the mind"

this was my collection of books for this summer:


I have read them all except which I'm currently reading:
الإصبع المتحرك – أغاثا كريستي
and the last two are:
ذاكرة الأفيال
المرآة المكسورة


this might be the last post of the summer
a new journal is on my way
wish me luck


Do U really know me ?????????

click here

^enter your name

and let's see the result

Friday, August 15, 2008

وقود رحلتي (1) 0

شعور بالخوف يداهمني كل لحظة، حيرة بصحة قراراتي أصبحت شبحاً يلازمني، ربما لأنني مقدمة على خطوة كبيرة والتي ستحدد بالتأكيد مسيرة باقي حياتي والتي بموجب هذا القرار، سأمضيها "إن شاء الله ذلك" بين مريض وآخر، في المستشفيات وبين الأطباء..
لا أنكر أنني أحب هذه الحياة (حياة الأطباء)، بل أعشقها، بكل ما فيها من صعوبة ومشقة، الحمدلله أنني اخترت الإلتحاق بكلية الطب بدافع الحب والرغبة في أن أصبح طبيبة يُشار إليها بالبنان في يوم من الأيام "إن شاء الله ذلك"، فمع قليل من الصبر والتحمل سأتجاوز بإذن الله كل الصعوبات، ولكن هذا ليس محور خواطري وما يدور في ذهني الآن. ه

يُـتبع 0000

Leaning to my childhood

I wish I can grow younger!
I hate growing older.. I HATE IT !!
I want to feel, think and live like I used to 10 years ago..
I want to be that innocent who was loved from everyone and known as the most "quiet"..
I wish I can cry spontaneously and don’t listen to any question except attempts to make me smile..
I wish I can run with bared feet holding a red lollypop in my hand, with my hair flying in the air.. I wish I can spend my time with my sisters like we used to..
I wish I can meet my childhood's friend who used to give me a hug every morning, I miss her from the bottom of my heart, I wish I can see her as soon as possible but that seems impossible..
I wish that my sky turns blue, the land I see turns green, the shore I see turns clear, the pain I feel turns away..
I wish I can stop this feeling of missing my childhood.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


تعتريني موجة أحاسيس لا أستطيع صدّهـا
أحاسيس تأخذيني بعيداً حيث الراحة والسكينة
تجعلني أُبحر في لحظات لم يكن لي فيها أنيس
سوى الله
كم أشتاق لحنايا تلك الأيام

ربّي جدّد الإيمان في قلبي! 0
قد كلّ بعده عنك
وقد أشتاق إليك
فـ يا رب ألبِسه ثوب الإيمان
فـ قلبي عاد مُلطخاً بأوساخ الدنيا و زينتها
ربي إنزع حب الدنيا من قلبي
وباعد بينه وبين حبها كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب

عَنْ عَبْدِ الله بن عَمْرو بن العَاص رَضِيَ الله عَنْهُمَا قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ الله صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ :"إِنَّ الإِيمَانَ لَيخلق فِي جَوْفِ أَحَدكُمْ كَمَا يَخلقُ الثَّوْبُ فَاسْأَلُوا الله أَنْ يُجَدِّدَ الإِيمَانَ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ"0

Sunday, August 3, 2008

~ n e w ~ d a y ~

Good Morning
Sweet Morning

I just love today <3
I've never experienced watching the sunrise this summer b4 this morning and it felt
amaaazing <3
but unfortunately, I counl't take any shot =(


thanx to bestperson who gave me the chance to get to know an amazing person (=
I never love the people she likes haha except this one :-

حـنـان الـقـطـان

you can watch her on her T.V show:
كل أربعاء في الساعة الثامنة مساءً بتوقيت الإمارات
ويعاد يوم الخميس في الحادية عشر والنصف مساءً
على قناة الـــــــرســـــــالـــــة

I'm good at marketing =P


I had some weird feelings that push me to go on with a clear mind again, it's like I never had a clear mind during the past 3 years! but it feels like there was a big weight on my shoulders and finally, I could let it off..
Finally, I can live and think peacefully
Finally, I have different and new goals to achieve
Finally, I have a dream to chase!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


long time haven't updated :S

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrple xD

^while working =D

^ this was gifted to the unusuall soul "miss green" cuz it's greeeeeeeeeen <3>

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله

one of the great scholars,
a great poet,
he filled the Arabic literature with his fascinating literary deeds..
U'll read a short biography about him
enjoy <3

في سيرة الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله: 0
هو محمد بن إدريس بن شافع، الهاشمي، القرشي، (المطلبي) أبو عبدالله: أحد الأئمة الأربعة عند أهل السنة. 0
ولد في غزة (بفلسطين) وحمل منها إلى مكة وهو ابن سنتين0 ودفن بالقاهرة وقبره ظاهر بالقاهرة يزار0 كان من أحذق الرماة في قريش0
برع الشافعي في اللغة، والشعر، وأيام العرب، ثم أقبل على الفقه والحديث! 0
وكان رحمه الله مفرط الذكاء0 أفتى وهو ابن عشرين سنة. 0

من قصائده: 0

إذا المرء لا يرعاك الا تكلفا
فدعه ولا تكثر عليه التأسفا
ففي الناس أبدال وفي الترك راحة
وفي القلب صبر للحبيب ولو جفا
فما كل من تهواه يهواك قلبه
ولا كل من صافيته لك قد صفا
إذا لم يكن صفو الوداد طبيعة
فلا خير في ود يجئ تكلفا
ولا خير في خل يخون خليله
ويلقاه من بعد المودة بالجفا
وينكر عيشا قد تقادم عهده
ويظهر سراً قد كان بالأمس قد خفا
سلام على الدنيا إذا لم يكن بها
صديق صدوق صادق الوعد منصفا

الحكم الشافعية: 0
"اللبيب العاقل هو الفطن المتغافل"
"ليس بأخيك من احتجت إلى مداراته"
"الوقار في النزهة سخف"

توفي رحمه الله بمصر وكان عمره أربع وخمسين سنة،، أسكنه الله فسيح جناته. 0


إذا المرء لا يرعاك إلا تكلفاً
من إنشاد: سلمان الملا

Thursday, July 3, 2008

إلــ ــهــ ــي

إلـهي وخلاّقي
وحرزي وموئلي
إلـيك لدى الإعـسار واليسر أفـزع
إلـهي لئن جلّت وجمّت خطـيئتي
فـعفوك عن ذنـبي أجلُّ وأوسـعُ
ربّي لا أرجو سواك، فليس سواك لي غنى ، أنت الغني عمّن سواك
اغفر لي ما اكتسبت من ذنوب
إلـهي أجرني من عذابك إنني أسيرة
لك أخـضـع
ربي، عفوك كل رجائي


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

s u m m e r

Long time has passed since my last update & my summer vacation started more than one month ago, I haven't considered it as a VACATION yet!! For certain reasons but I finally decided to enjoy it no matter what happened~

and in the honor of my enjoyment I got me some books that I was eager to read


مع الناس
نور وهداية
لـ علي الطنطاوي
I've finished reading the first two articles of (ma3a annas) and the first one was
أحسن كما أحسن الله إليـك
I have read it b4 when my friend Lavender's Aroma posted it in talkish

Click here to read it

I'll begin reading the second one tonight, I can't finish reading the first book without jumping to the other -__-"


here are some shots that I took with my new baby Canon 400D <click




This is my angel,:

I took her shots from my laptop's screen




I did that using lens keeekeke

My recent crochet work,


That's it,

see u 4 now


Saturday, March 29, 2008


do-re-me-fa ~ hi, I began my day so early as usual, it started with studying math
later, I decided to go to Dubai library, I went and bought me new notebooks, papers, files and other things that I don't need =P
**this is one of the things that I wished to own long time ago :
I love his poems :) .. I promised myself if I finished reading this book, I'll buy ديوان أبو القاسم الشابي For I love his poems too..

hmmm.. yesterday was a blast! I went upstairs and I was so curious to check my old books and I got a heart attack :
that was for grade 2!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg I felt like I wanted to cry ="(
lol @ my hand writing!!
here's my multiplication table for grade 3 !!!!!!!
I covered it =P that's why it hasn't gotten damaged at all, I'll give that to my kids hahahaaa

here's another big shock.. my grades for grade 7 :
28.5 out of 35!!
10.5 out of 15!!
11 out of 15!!
لا وكنت الأولى!! مادري على شو

this was one of my english's marks.. that was for grade 7 :
First time in my life .. lol

I remember seeing one of my drawings but I forgot to take a shot of it..

anyway, I started to make new crocheted CD
My beloved strings lol:

I'm tired.. I think I'll go to have launch\\byebye =D

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