Saturday, November 14, 2009
1st clinical day
place: Our Own English High School (Al warqa'a)
essalam 3laikom ♥
I hope this post is going to be a fun one cause I actually had fun =D
it's the 1st clinical day for me since I joined the college, it was fun actually being around kids.. reminding us with school life and all the fun ;)
on our way
our first stop was at mankhool health centre
it's the centre controlling the private schools medically
we had a boooring speech actually from one of the doctors there
and we left excited to reach our final destination:
it's the school!
I had a weird feeling actually when we first entered, everybody were staring at us as if we were kind of aliens O_O , and the kids were pointing at me and saying: "hi scientist!!" lool since when did I become a scientist?? =P
we reached to the nurse room, asked some inquiries about everything,
we met sick kids :( most of them were having fever or abdominal pain..
then we went to the canteeeeeen, it was all fried food and unhealthy nutrition to those poor kids,
I remember one of them was screaming for the"Panjabi samboosa!!" and we bursted in laughing..
seriously, most of the food was fried, oily.. shouldn't be provided as a healthy nutrition,
regardless the chips (I admit that I was so hungry at that moment but I resisted strongly eating from their food >> not cause it's not healthy but because we were actually criticizing it =P so I will look silly big time if I took something ^_^)
Hmm.. we started hanging in the school, interviewing kids,
one of the kids was asked by my friend "what do u think of the canteen's food? Do u eat from it?"
and they boy was like" nooo waaay.. I never eat from this canteen"
we were like "uh good boy" (ya gada3 entah) =D
another kid was so smart mashallah, I asked him about swine flu and how to treat the flu in general, he started mentioning names of some drugs!! He's only 10 years but mashallah!!
when he saw my reaction, he said confidently: "I want to be a doctor, that's why" ^__^ this is him:
we took a round in their sports area:
look at this cuuuuute little kid eating his cupcake ^.^
I can't remember the rest of the details.. I don't know how will I write the report to the doctor lol =D ( a real, serious, medical report not like this one =D)
but it was a nice outgoing anyway ^__^
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
3eed sa3eed but..........!
except that I'm very sorry for the family who have lost their man
(he's a son, a brother) may Allah bless his parents and family with
I was at my grandmother's house when we were about to leave,
we heard a sound of explosion near by followed by screems of
women, their voices were very high, by seeing smoke above
their house I thought at first that there might be a fire or something..
my brothers went to see what's going on then a car which came out
of the congregation at about 200 km/hour..
I was shaking at that moment and changed my idea that someone
has died >_< because of the screems but my brothers came
back and told us the story..
the victim is a young man in 20's who was playing with fireworks ,
by a mistake, the bomb didn't fly and explode in the air but in his
face and burnt it instead!! his face was all gone..
and the most terrible is that the one who was driving
didn't have much control and made a car accident!!
I heard that the man who was burnt have died and 2 men with
him in the car are now in a bad condition..
the 3 of them need your preyers =(
Allah yr7am elli maat w y3aafi el mo9abeen ="(
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه وأكرم نزله ووسع مدخله واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد ونقه من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس،اللهم وأنزل على قبره الضياء والنور والفسحة والسرور، اللهم جازه بالحسنات إحسانا، وبالسيئات عفواً وغفراناً
اللهم اجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ramadan Kareem
اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنَا إِلَى جَمَالِ آيَاتِكَ نَاظِرِينَ، ولِرَوَائِعِ قُدْرَتِكَ مُبْصِرينَ، وَإِلَى جَنَابِكَ الرَّحِيمِ مُتَّجِهِينَ، وَاجْعَلْنَا عَلَى نَهْجِ النَّبِيِّ المُصْطَفَى - عَلَيْهِ أَفَضَلُ الصَّلاَةِ وَأَزْكَى التَّسْلِيمِ - سَالِكِينَ، وَبِسُنَّتِهِ وَهِدَايَتِهِ عَامِلِينَ، وَبِآثَارِهِ مُقْتَفِينَ، وَمَتِّعْنَا اللَّهُمَّ بِصُحْبَتِهِ فِي جَنَّاتِ النَّعِيمِ. اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِي أَخْشَاكَ حَتَّى كَأَنِّي أَرَاكَ، وَأَسْعِدْنِي بِتَقْوَاكَ، وَلاَ تَجْعَلْنِي بِمَعْصِيَتِكَ مَطْرُوداً، وَرَضِّنِي بِقَضَائِكَ، وَبَارِكْ لِي فِي قَدَرِكَ، وَانْصُرْنِي عَلَى مَنْ ظَلَمَنِي.
اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْ عَمَلَنَا كُلَّهُ خَالِصَاً لِوَجْهِكَ الكَرِيمِ..
كل عام وأنتم بخير
تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال
Saturday, August 15, 2009
done with the hard part
of UAE) I can't imagine how will I look in it cuz it's been a really
really long time since I've worn one due to life time changes
((& somatic changes xD ))
mentioning 3eed, well I have great plans to do with my sisters
enshaAllah I'll go to pray 3eed "enshaAllah" =P
as well as going to grandmother house in the morning which I don't
remember doing so far.. we usually go in the afternoon or in the evening when
our house is free of visitors..
today we had a party for my sis *D*'s birthday & graduation in the
same time, she delayed her graduation party to make it a double
party today 14/8 which is her BD hehe
♥ sparkle ♥
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
things I almost remember
nasty hostel again.. & surprisingly, yesterday one of my sisters
mentioned that there's going to be a new direct way from FUJ
to Dubai and I screamed "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat"!! Actually, we
have been hearing about it since a very long time without an action,
but it seems true now as they're working on it..I don't know if
there will be a "reduction" in the time needed to go to college from
home & back in the afternoon.. poooor hopes & poor me!
ms. purple is enjoying nesquik with milk ..
Nesquik with milk became our usual meal as ms. Purple is spending
her summer with us..
Isn't he an amazing person?
Allah yt8abbal mnah enshaAllah..
I strongly admire his open mind, rare & fabulous ideas..
I wish I can have even half of his power
what I loved most of his work is a tv show called "لو كان بيننا"
not to forget mentioning برنامج خواطر of course, but law kan
baynana has that weird and unique touch on our hearts..
as it's mostly about prophet mohammed peace be upon him
and how to apply what he taught us befor 1400 years
now in 2009..
here's the first show, an idea about it : plzzzzzz watch it if u didn't
I also have his book "خواطر" It has a very simple and clear meaning
does your mind sleep when your body is sleeping?
another way: can your mind sleep when you're physically awake? xD
waiting for ur comments
♥ sparkle ♥
Thursday, July 9, 2009
during long nights with my anatomy atlas to unsuccessful attempts to wake up early to study..
from days of cooperation between me and my friends to wake each other up..
to falling a sleep after switching all the alarms off ..
from all the frustration moments before entering the oral exams with your brain empty..
to the hugs after you get out from the exam room not knowing if you answered a single correct answer?
from summer of 2008 where I was so worrying about my acceptance in the college
to summer 2009 where I finished my first year!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
>> O_O
My eyes gonna pop out O_O
but some clinical correlations are nice ;)
I can't wait till I finish this year to get rid of biochemstry -___-
it's driving me crazy.. I even wrote on one of the walls
"Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase"
my mother will kick me out of the house if she sees it
5 more weeks and I'll be DONE WITH FISRT YEAR WOHOOOO
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Poooooooor us!!
U gotta watch this!
the end is sooooo cooooool
Mwahahahahahaaaaaa xD
exams gonna start after 1 week
ed3oooooli =(
Sunday, May 10, 2009
^this rose is from her
7amaam =D and it was raining.. (in school)
^ products of my hand.. LOL
I miss knitting wallah =(
mini jellys yum yumm =D
Is there a chance to meet U? ="(
"dr. fatma alkhumairi, a graduate from my college and the first
6abeeba shar3yah in UAE"
they weren't the best but what I thought to post..
more coming soon.
would do anything..
Months have passed.. few days coming over..
and my first year is done.. enshaAllah
I've been through millions of feelings.. thoughts.. and experiences
I don't want to say that my experiences should be graced (they're nothing).. but
they were my little things.. the little things I felt.. Sacrificed for.. Cried for..
and I'm longing for more of this life, nothing's better than learning
from it and from others :)
looking back at my first days in my new life,
I see myself a hesitant, shy girl..but since those days till now,
I've been filled with experiences from everyone I met..
I could read the message they want to tell me from their eyes..
I saw agony mixed with joy in the same eyes..
smartness and selfishness (in the same eyes too)
all of them have stamped a unique touch on my heart..
some of them left
the others are leaving
but I'll keep my heart always praying for them..
and from the days I was the "hesitant"
I could be a better person..
knowing what suits me and what does not..
where I should be present and where I shouldn't..
learned the means of respect and love,
the means of strength and patience..
the means and ways to make others smile while your heart-broken..
and I repeat saying that all of that is "nothing"
I'm still with no appreciated deed in this wide world..
it's so much wider than my eyes can see.. than my sight can reach..
I just want to reach the dream I look for
and in it I'll be able to see the whole world :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
hearing: my sisters and their friends voices + TV
watching: cartoonZ
reading: biochem. sheets
I escaped yesterday from the hostel and skipped 2 lecutres of today.. but going back tomorrow for I need to study in the hostel's quietness ^_^ (in weekends only of course!)hmmm.. sunday is the first day of mid-term exams which will be in biochemistry >_
sho elsalfah everytime I sign in in msn I don't find anybody! did they change their email addresse's or msn became suddenly not included in their life style? lol regarding me, msn is blocked in the hosteland I barely find time @ home to sign in so.. msn disappeared from my life with 80% ..
el7amdlillah, on wednesday- 35\3\09 (I & my group A&A&R) presented our Article "Fragile X Syndrome"..we did great as our doctors and colleagues said.. the only mistake that we did is that we didn't take the time in consideration.. it was obligatory to present in 1 hour but we did it only in 30 minutes so we gonna lose somemarks for this but eshallah not many >_<.. anyway I'm so glad that I worked with such a unique group..
Thanx A , A & R =)
as exams are so soon, I'm back to my addiction to coffee ( Rmlah don't get mad on me!!) I don't usually drink itexcept in exams.. I remember the mornings of january exams.. I used not to be able to study unless I drink a cupof nescafe' ..
so bad that signing in to blogger is blocked in the hostel so I can't post at all unless I'm home..what a disgusting military hostel.. the only thing that they didn't do is to let us all wear the same dress.. just like the prisoners -_-"
w el7ayah 7lwah wain ma kenna
soon enshalla I'll talk briefly about fragile x syndrome
as we promised to support it till the end
and now good night all =)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tranquil days
I guess this week was so special.. do u wonder why? Hmmm I don't know either!
Good things VS Bad things *_*
First >> good things:
- FinallyJ I could know how to enjoy studying.. I also realized that I won't be able to enjoy medicine unless I was over-curious or hyper-curious O_O.. even if I'm not! I HAVE TO BE!! An obligation=D
-I got to know (j) (: it was by a chance when we discovered that both of us like one of the tv serieses so we watched it together @ the cafetria of the hostel @ mid-night!
-received a messege from a precious person(T.F) Allah y7fa'6ha mn kl shar w ys3dha w ywafgha <3
- bought a new laptop =D
Bad things:
-I felt so lonely in the first night in the hostel and I got that disguasting feeling which I go through at the beginning of every semester whether now or at school..
-one of the students in our batch (amaal) left the college! I'm miss her although I never been close to her or something but I remember the days when I used to see her in the mosque @ tarawee7 prayer.. may Allah light her path and fill her life with blesses.. :(
bas mashay wayed bad things el7amdlillah =P
Haih! I didn't talk to my.soul.mate this week which is a very very bad thing :(
bas bas =P
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
sudden longing
Today, I woke up feeling an extremely weird feelings.. after dreaming of going to do Omrah..honestly.. I never could imagin how the feeling of missing makka would be! Maybe cause I have never been there before.. even though, when I woke up I felt like as if I was truely there! In the crowd, seeing people praying around.. It was a nice dream and the surprising part is that when I woke up and checked my mobile, I saw a massege that contains:
مكة المكرمة
It was about a new building in makka as I think.. called
برج المقام
اللهم ارزقني زيارةً إلى بيتك الحرام
Sunday, January 25, 2009
وقود رحلتي (2) 0
ها أنا أكمل ما خطته يداي قبل 4 أشهر، في الصيف تحديداً، قبل أن أبدأ مسيرة حياتي الجديدة، والتي بدأتها بمشاعر الألم والحسرة يوماً، والرضا والاستقرار يوماً آخر، و هكذا كانت باقي الأيام.. كنت أتخبط يمنةً ويسرةً، بحثاً عن من يخرجني من المأزق والورطة الكبيرة التي أوقعت نفسي بها، سأكون صريحة هنا.. لم أكن راضية أبداً عن قراري بدخول الطب منذ أول يوم لي فالسكن! تجربة مريعة، مخيفة، بااائسة يائسة!!.....بعدها> بدأ أول يوم على غير الخير!! لم أستطع كفكفة دموعي طوال اليوم، دخلت الكلية، أخذت أتلفت بلهفة بحثاً عن زميلاتي وصديقاتي ومعلماتي، ولكن لم أجد أحداً منهم! شعرت بأنني وحيدة في هذا الكون، وحيدة النفس والصحاب والأماني والأحلام، كرهت نفسي كرهاً شديداً وكرهت كل من حولي واليوم الذي سجلت فيه في هذه الكلية التي لا حياة فيها ، تباً لكِ يا "كلية دبي الطبية" لم تتركي لي أحداً ممن أحبهم بجانبي!..... حضرت حفلة استقبالنا وأذكر أن انهمار دموع زاد عندما سمعت النشيد الوطني وكأنني أقول في نفسي" سامحني يا وطني لقد .......... خنتك!" 0
هذه كانت حالتي واليوم أصف نفسي بالضعيفة! نعم "كنتُ" ضعيفة النفس، اهتزت ثقتي بنفسي بل انمحت وكأن شيئاً لم يكن، لو رأتني صديقاتي على حالتي تلك فلن يصدقن، أقسم أنه لن تصدق إحداهن أنني أنا تلك! لا لقوة شخصيتي السابقة ولا لسيطرتي على الأمور بل لاعتيادي على أخذ الأمور "ببساطة" (ليس دائماً طبعاً) ، لكن الفاجعة أنني زدت كل عقدة تعقيداً! أو كما يقولون زدت الطين بللاً،،.. أصبحت مترددة كما ذكرت في بداية كتابتي، فضّلت الانسحاب بكل بساطة!! اتخذت البساطة في الأمور السلبية فقط!.. أرضى بقراري يوماً وأسخط منه يوماً آخر.. كرهت كل من رأيت وكل من أسدى لي رأياً أو خدمة! "هل ترينني ضعيفة إلى تلك الدرجة؟؟ أأثير شفقتك إلى هذا الحد؟؟ أترينني قليلة الخبرة بالدرجة التي لا تصل إلى ربع خبراتك لأنك أكبر مني بسنة أو سنتين في عمر الطب؟؟ تباً لكن!" << هذا ما كان يتردد في نفسي بشكل مبعثر لا كما سطرته الآن، جن جنوني! أردت العودة إلى المنزل بأقرب وقت، كانت دموعي تنهمر بلا توقف كلما حادثت أحداً من أهلي وبالأخص والدتي، حتى أذكر أنني اتصلت بها يوم الأثنين بعد أن انقطعت بي السبل وقررت الانسحاب، أجابت أمي على رنين الهاتف وبدأت فوراً بالصراخ والنحيب كأن شخصاً قريب قد توفي! مالذي يدعوك إلى ذلك؟ لا أريد أن أدرس الطب! 0
وما كان للطب شأن في كل ما كان يحدث لي، إلا أن نفسي هي التي تبدلت. 0
يُتبع في وقود رحلتي (3) 000000000000000000000000