Saturday, May 30, 2009

>> O_O

My eyes gonna pop out O_O
but some clinical correlations are nice ;)
I can't wait till I finish this year to get rid of biochemstry -___-
it's driving me crazy.. I even wrote on one of the walls
"Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase"
my mother will kick me out of the house if she sees it
5 more weeks and I'll be DONE WITH FISRT YEAR WOHOOOO

8 التعليقات:

lavender's aroma said...

قبل يومين أنا وحليمة نقول انج بتكملين سنة وبيبقالج 4سنوات
الأيام تمر بسرعة
ال5 أسابيع بعد شويه يصيرون 5 سنوات
الله يوفقج
على فكرة ما فهمت شي من المصطلحات اللي انتي كاتبتنهم :P

Rmlah said...
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Rmlah said...

i made a tongue twister by that while studying , it is fun, i hate the end of the years:( ... i wanna stay more more and forever ..

i'm part of it ..

Fadiosis said...

u're still first year... HOW SWEET... **,
i miss those days wallah..
may Allah help you... and the biochem thing... OMG... it's a nightmare...
hahahahha..but u're gonna kick its butt anyway... good luck darling :D

Glory_Or_Nothing said...

i couldn't believe reading someones diary [semi-diary] until i came across yours.... its mind-blowing yet simple and unsophisticated......
i took ur quiz [do u know me], no i don't, so i sucked, i got 200, [btw i am still waiting my "computer animation" final grade, i hope it is more that :D] i noticed in ur quiz that salman a-mala had a poem recited for al-shafi3i (mercy). is there a chance to send me the poem to hear it to mean after ur finals, which i wish u a good luck on them :D

Fadiosis said...

el biochem kolloh SUCKS >.<'
i can't believe how do its doctors LOVE IT :S... !!

Anonymous said...

hey fellow colleague lol
the booklet made me giggle a bit cus i think i have the same page in my pathology booklet hehe
it's nice to see more med students from other parts of the world^^
good luck^_^

Sparkle said...

Hey drrin ^_^
Yup we'll study atherosclerosis in
Pathology again this year enshaAllah..
Good to see u around ^_^


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