Thursday, March 27, 2008


being able to be creative is an amazing thing, it adds so much to your life. Every person looks at things from different perspectives, some people like to gain fame from it, while others are wishing to gain enough encourages and they feel that by their creativity, they can add something to others lives! without paying any attention to fame and those obsolescent things.

Every person can be creative, being creative isn't only about drawing or designing or coordinating colors! It's more than that.. artists are creative when they draw with sensation and serenity soul, designers are creative when they incorporate their ideas with the core of the message that they want to access to people.
what a gossip =P
anyway, yesterday I had to take some shots of our physics project:
Useless =S I don't know what is the point of collecting all these tools together =D

the weekend started *_^ I already have written down my aims.. I'll do my best to achieve all of them

I want sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep now, I'll go to twist under my bed's cover.. heheGood night =D

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